Ticker: OP

Present circulating supply 798,517,235 OP
Present market cap. $1,028,671,109
Projected Bull Market cap $20,195,000,000 - $52,500,000,000
Projected ROI 4x to 11x


Present circulating supply: 798,517,235 OP Present market cap.: $1,028,671,109 ($1.63B is the investor's valuation) Present price: $1.29 Present investors ROI (Seed Investors): 86x (8,600%) from $0.0015/OP

Present investors ROI (Series A Investors): 17.2x (1,720%) from $0.075/OP

Present investors ROI (Series B Investors): 3.39x (339%) from $0.38/OP

Projected ROI for series investors: 70x to 100x ($5.25 to $7.5)

Seed/Series Valuation: $1.63B with a funding rate of $178.68M

3,500,000,000 OP will be in circulation by December 31, 2024.

Projected bull season Marketcap: $20,195,000,000 to $52,500,000,000 Projected bull season price: $5.77 to $15 Projected bull season ROI: 4x to 11x

Fundamentals may change (It is starting with a big market capitalization in a bear market), Seed investors coins are 100% unlocked. OP stack adoption will also push the price due to retail speculators, MATIC type of run irrespective of its circulating supply.