Investment Research Memo: AVAIL Token

Date: July 24, 2024

Overview Token Name: AVAIL Ticker: AVAIL Total Supply: 10,000,000,000 (10 billion) AVAIL Circulating Supply at Launch: 1,670,000,000 AVAIL (16.7% of total supply) Current Circulating Supply: 2,277,500,000 AVAIL Inflation Rate: 5% per annum

Brief Summary of AVAIL Avail DA is a pioneering data availability layer designed to unify Web3 by providing a validity-proven infrastructure for next-generation, trust-minimized applications and sovereign rollups. Its innovative security approach allows light clients to verify data availability through sampling over a peer-to-peer network, simplifying blockchain integration for developers by eliminating concerns over validator sets or tokenomics. Avail DA's robust interface and security capabilities enable efficient creation of zero-knowledge or fraud-proof-based blockchain applications. It focuses on ordering and publishing transactions, allowing users to verify block data availability without downloading entire blocks. Its data-agnostic nature supports various execution environments, including EVM, WASM, and custom runtimes, making it a versatile foundation for diverse blockchain applications.

Current Market Data Market Cap: $367,734,000 Current Price: $0.22202 (undervalued, target valuation: $0.355) Investment Rounds and Vesting Schedule Pre-Seed Round: $5M (12-month cliff, 25% release, then 36-month vesting) Seed Round: $27M (12-month cliff, 25% release, then 36-month vesting) Series A: $43.5M (12-month cliff, 25% release, then 36-month vesting) Total VC Investment: $75.5M Project Valuation: $810M

Future Projections Next Token Unlock: July 24, 2025 Projected Circulating Supply by July 24, 2025: 3,250,400,000 AVAIL Projected Bull Market Cap Range: $1.9B - $3.1B

Price Projections: With 2.3B AVAIL in Circulation: Projected Price: $0.834 to $1.36

With 3.3B AVAIL in Circulation: Projected Price: $0.584 to $0.953 Analysis and Key Considerations

Market Dynamics: AVAIL is currently undervalued at $0.22202 with a target valuation price of $0.355. The circulating supply will increase significantly by July 2025 due to token unlocks, impacting price dynamics.

Vesting and Supply: The vesting schedule with cliffs and gradual releases ensures controlled supply inflation. The next major token unlock in July 2025 will bring the circulating supply to 3,250,400,000 AVAIL.

Investment Rationale: Early investment rounds show strong support with $75.5M in VC funding. The project valuation of $810M reflects robust market confidence. Projected bull market scenarios suggest significant price appreciation potential.

Risk Factors: Market volatility and changes in investor sentiment could impact price projections. Supply inflation due to token unlocks could exert downward pressure on prices if not matched by demand.

Strategic Considerations: Monitor market conditions and sentiment closely to adjust investment strategy. Consider the impact of token unlock schedules and plan for potential price fluctuations. Focus on long-term growth potential and strategic entry points for investment.

Conclusion The AVAIL token presents a compelling investment opportunity with significant upside potential, particularly in a bullish market scenario. With strong backing from early investment rounds, a controlled supply inflation mechanism, and promising future price projections, AVAIL is well-positioned for growth. However, careful attention to market dynamics and strategic planning around token unlocks will be crucial for maximizing returns.